


  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:ICT and FCT
  • 產(chǎn)品型號(hào):Compact TK
  • 產(chǎn)品廠商:seica
  • 產(chǎn)品文檔:
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This is the smallest configuration , and is generally recommended for ICT and on-board programming applications. It is characterized by a high level of ergonomy, small footprint, easy maintenance , low power consumption and enhanced operator safety.



This is the smallest configuration , and is generally recommended for ICT and on-board programming applications. It is characterized by a high level of ergonomy, small footprint, easy maintenance , low power consumption and enhanced operator safety.

Thanks to its reduced footprint, and compliance with WCM criteria, the system can be easily and successfully integrated in any production environment. Low management costs and high flexibility guaranteed.

Compact TK is especially suitable for:

  • parametric and in-circuit tests
  • Functional tests
  • On-board programming
  • Medium-volume and high-mix production
  • Implement distributed test station
  • Non-conveyable boards


  • Up to 1536 analog channels
  • Up to 128 hybrid channels (digital channel up to 10 MHz)
  • Up to 6 user power supply units
  • 2-JOB parallel test with standard cabinet
  • 4-JOB parallel test with double cabinet
  • OPENFIX test to identify open pins on digital components and connectors
  • Universal on-board programmer (up to 8 in parallel)
  • Boundary-scan test
  • Self-tes at the module level
  • Receiver with pneumatic upper contrasts
  • Off-line Programming and Repair Stations
  • Barcode and 2D code reading management and automated statistic data collection
  • Automated programming via CAD data import

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